Thursday, September 18, 2008

I Am One Today

Payton Avery is 1 year old today!  Happy birthday sweetheart :)

A Few Of My Favorite Things

These are a few of my favorite things.... 
my laugh and learn puppy (he sings), my baby leap frog (he sings), my light up curious george (he well he lights up) and my crochet blanket.  

I like to follow my Mom and Dad around the house with these toys so they can make them sing, dance, and light up for me while I play peekaboo with my blankie.
BUT my favorite things in the whole world, are Mom and Dads stuff!!!

Thursday, September 11, 2008

I Heart My Little Family

I am in love; completely, totally head over heals in love with my husband and my baby.  Last night we had the most delicious family evening.  A nice dinner all of us gathered around the table eating a wonderful healthy meal, talking (and babbling) about our days.

After dinner my wonderful husband entertained Payton for me while I cleaned up our dinner mess.  I couldn't even begin to describe how happy I was and how full my heart was as I listened to the wild giggles of both Payton and Patrick as they played hide & seek and chase.  

Look at these wonderful boys how could you not love them.