Mom needs to take her vitamins more regularly or something cause I seem to be forgetting the camera lately when we head out the door. Not a good habit and very upsetting when your little one is just learning and doing all kinds of new things. But I did get some good pics and videos this last week.

Pat and I were off on vacation the week for 4th of July. It was great to have some family time and to decompress. We did all kinds of yard work, relaxing, and visiting with family
and friends.

Payton went on Grandma ad Grandpa Osborn's boat for the first time (just to hang out and dance), put his feet in lake Huron with Grandma and Grandpa Robbins and hung out at the zoo with daddy's high school friends.

Unfortunately we didn't have the camera for the zoo OR Lake Huron, but we plan to go back to both places in the near future.
Payton is really doing well, he can stand all by himself and clap his hands or play with a toy. And he can almost (not quite) stand on his own without using a chair, person, or toy to help him up all the way. He has even taken a couple of steps but we are thinking at this point it was just a fluke.
Payt, is really good at climbing up the stairs, and we are working on going down the proper way not head first. He likes to climb the fist 2 steps of the landing to the baby gate and then stand up and shake the gate while jumping, yelling and laughing. It's his favorite activity right now and he gets very excited.

Here is a picture of the baby brown bunny that likes to hang out in our yard. Isn't he cute.